Modelling Methods for Health Economic Evaluation


Modelling Methods for Health Economic Evaluation

Hong Kong

25-27 July 2012


This modeling short course is to be held in collaboration with the Hospital Authority Hong Kong, and will be based at the Hospital Authority Building in Hong Kong.


The short course will provide a day on introductory modelling methods and then proceed to intermediate and advanced topics on days 2 and 3.  It will include teaching materials which have been used over the last 10 years in courses run by the Universities of York and Glasgow in the UK, and McMaster University in Canada. 


The course is intended for people currently undertaking health economic evaluation within the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, consultancy, academia or the health service. It is also appropriate for those reviewing or preparing economic evaluation evidence for public health authorities.


The teaching faculty is expected to consist of the following individuals, but the final faculty will depend on number of individuals who register for the course.


  • Mark Sculpher (Professor, University of York, UK)
  • Karl Claxton (Professor, University of York, UK)
  • Andrew Briggs (Professor, University of Glasgow, UK)
  • Elisabeth Fenwick (Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow, UK)
  • Ron Goeree (Associate Professor, McMaster University, Canada)
  • Feng Xie (Assistant Professor, McMaster University, Canada)

By the end of the course participants will be expected to:

  • Understand key concepts in economic evaluation using decision analysis
  • Develop and populate decision models
  • Populate a Markov model with and without time-dependent probabilities
  • Undertake probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA) to reflect parameter uncertainty
  • Present the results of a PSA using net monetary benefits and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves
  • Develop models in Excel and TreeAge
  • Assess expected value of perfect information.
  • Gather experience relating to the use of economic evaluation in public policy decisions


The workshop will involve a mixture of lectures and exercises, some of which will be computer-based.  Participants will need to bring their own laptop computers for the exercises.


Participants are expected to have attended a general advanced course in economic evaluation or be comfortable with the contents of “Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programs" by Drummond et al (Oxford University Press, 2005). 


If you would like to register for the course please go to the following website: